In 2024, Sustainability is the central theme of our AnthroArt project, and the first bootcamp of the series for the year was held in Amsterdam in March. While in 2023 we were exploring social inclusion in the East, now, we went to Nieuw-West; an area that is largely pre-gentrification and where a lot of creative energy is flowing, many artists and pioneers reside and work there. We were graciously hosted by LoLa Luid, an organisation that takes care of an old primary school building, and rents out spaces to all sorts of artists and creatives, to work on the challenge of Regeneratie Cooperatie.
Regeneratie Cooperatie are a collective of artists, designers and changemakers who aim to foster regenerative practices in the Netherlands and beyond. With sponsorship of, for example, the Patagonia fund, they host activities, events and a yearly festival, to spread knowledge about regeneration, and to get more people excited about becoming a part of the change. They are connecting with and challenging businesses, but also aim to get young professionals to consider a career in the sector.
Regeneratie Cooperatie asked us how they can make their educational programme more effective. Sophie, the co-founder and current leader of Regeneratie Cooperatie, came to Lola Luid on our first day to meet the participants, and explained very openly about the challenges that they, as a collective, face. The aim is for the programme to not only educate, but also activate young people; and a lot of the time they hear back that the young people are too busy for it. So they wanted to know, what can they improve?
Our bootcamp participants, a mix of artists and anthropologists, focused on this question for a week. We had three teams: ‘the sprouts’, ‘3gen’, and ‘the lopsided cup’. In the same structure as previous bootcamps, they did rapid ethnography, and combined it with design thinking to create innovative solutions. By the end of the week, they presented three ideas to Sophie and her colleagues.